Lochnargar's Lady of the Lake

When Jonna had her first litter en 2002 - 5 lovely kittens - we thought about keeping one of the girls but a possibility arose which allowed us to plan the combination of our Swedish imports with our old Danish lines.

One of the girls in the litter, Yulia - went to Lochnargar in Germany where she was mated with another Tilia Nova offspring: GIC Tilia Nova's Quo Vadis who lives with von Aminius. Lady comes from this litter and we owe thanks to Rosita from Lochnargar and Nicole from von Aminius for making this come true!

Lady is a very attractive red-silver girl, with powerful boning and a good strong body. Her type is very promising and the coat quality and temperament is everything we could have wished for! Unfortunately we had to neuter Lady before she had any kittens, and she is now enjoying life as a neuter.

She is getting more and more beautiful with each day and really has a lot of great qualities. Especially her coat is uniqje: thick and dense, and with long strong guardhairs - just the kind of quality we prefer in a Forest Cat.



NFO d 23


14. april, 2004


GIC Tilia Nova's Quo Vadis


Tilia Nova's Yulia



